Surprise!! SMELLSPHERE Sweepstakes
Hello Beauty !!
Today I bring you a surprise !! Habemus new draw !! siii!
We are going to draw a bracelet smellsphere , do you know what it is about? For those who do not, I explain.
In SMELLSPHERE we can find:
Aromatherapy Bracelets: contain 100% natural essential oils, are recharged through pipettes (including 2 units in the package), and give off odor for several days. Types: aphrodisiac, anti-stress, energy, concentration and memory.
Rechargeable Perfume Bracelets: can be recharged with any perfume with the help of a cone-funnel (included in the package), and give off odor for several days.
Bracelets low cost: Can be recharged with any perfume with the help of a cone-funnel (included in the package), with only two sprays give off odor for several days.
It is very easy to recharge it since as you see in the photo it brings a cone to be able to fill it with our favorite perfume.They have all kinds of sizes and many colors !!
This is mine I'm delighted with it.
And now we're going to the draw !!
Mandatory requirements:
1. Be a follower of Smellsphere on Facebook.
2. Be a follower of this blog
Extra participations:
3. If you are a follower of smellsphere on twitter
4. If you are a follower of Truquitosparalaschicas and share the image you can find. (+ 2)
As always I will be putting the provisional list, the draw begins today and ends on 29/08. The draw will be made by the coupon of the eleven.
I leave the template to make it easier for you:
1. Name with which you follow Smellsphere on facebook:
2. Follower names of the blog:
3. Email to be able to locate you:
3. Email to be able to locate you:
4. Follow the smellsphere on twitter, leave the name.
5. You follow Truquitos for girls on Facebook and share the image?
Raffle for Spain.
Good luck !!
EDITO: I think I have not explained well the image that should be shared is the one I have on Facebook that you have the link above, until the comment of Raquel Bs dare for valid ones that have shared it on their own, but from from there, only those who share this image will be worth it. If you have any questions or problems leave a comment here or send me an email and I will solve it as quickly as I can.